Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I detest work but trying my best to love it
Working till 7pm today, with the sound keyboard, mouse clicking. I'm really find myself 200% concentrated on those unfinished work that have been piling up like an hourglass just been overturned.
I think it is the quietness that push me on... So quiet till the CPU fans seem so loud.
Maybe I still prefers working with myself.
Even now, I brought my work home, and I asked myself, "What for?" But I just dig into WORK without asking why it keep pestering me.
As I work, I listen... Radio keep playing the songs which I've never hear before. Songs dated 1991 seems like the latest song to me. For example this :
While I finally drop my work out, listen to it with my heart. Finding the lyrics really meaningful .
And by chit chatting with fellow colleague, I learnt that 'Halo' is 'Halo'.
I actually listened to it everytime I walked past those Brands' RoadShows at Orchard Road, but never really know 'Hey lo or Heillo' is she singing, and I can't really hunt for it online.
And after song listening, relax awhile, it is time where I head back to work, whom I need to learn how to love till I'm 62 years old.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Moving on
Some things in our Lives will certainly be wash off by Time.
I always believe in a chinese saying : 时间不留人. Call Time cruel, ripping our age year by year. This causes things around us, come and go. Leaving us so helpless... Forcing us to learn from the past, treasure whatever we have or we can have.
I was listening to Capitol 95.8FM during dinner today. It was a discussion session over the air, and their subject was "Wet Market". That really makes me remember the presence of those neighbourhood wet market and their current status.
I still can recall when I was 4 or 5 years old, I always follow my grandma down the market 500m away my house. Chicken were fresh, fishes lying there ready for scale-removal process, plently other shops that sell stuffs for your everyday use. These markets were always wet and slippery, you always make sure you wear the lousiest slippers down there. As meats, dry stocks, veggies were left in the open without any chilling devices, the smell was unbearable for many. But this is your grandparents or parents favourite morning hang out place!
Walking down the old spiral staircases with your wet red plastic bags, my grandma will ask me,"Carrot cake for lunch? Or Fishball noodle?" It is so convenient that it houses everything you need under one roof! That brings tons of memories back for people born in the early 80s.
Such a convenient place will definately attract lots shoppers right? But Time isn't gonna let it get it way. Though GOVt has been very kind to upgrade all wet markets, attempting to make it less "wet" with better stain-resistance tiles, better drainage system, strict cleanliness routine, Wet Market is still losing it's stand in Gen-Y people (on the verge of married, babies producing machines) Why?
- Who wants to wake up early morning to buy grocery? (As it stop biz around 1pm)
- Prices at markets are usually like shares market
- You don't earn LinK-pts buying from market.
- You need to see the fishmonger's mood to get a fresh fish
- Any reasons I've miss out?
Blame no one, I thought. Imagining the future of those stall-holders, I feel pity as things snow-balling soon.
Our 8am - 5pm work time - leading to lesser biz for wet markets - slowly wet markets got lesser - cutting the numbers of stall-holders - job losts.
This is one chain reaction which I struggles to figure out the remedy. But meanwhile, I'll do what I can to collect more memories of the wet markets, starting by visiting my nearest wet market for breakfast, during my off-days.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Let's get on with it
11 Aug 2009
After a rather UNenjoyed holiday weekend, I headed back to my workplace which I left my footsteps on 9th Aug 09, 1400hrs. The weekend was spent working... Hunting down tons pieces of files and papers... Till I dread the thinking to heading Toa Payoh this morning. And it turns out real hectic even today...
But during the busy hours, I still forked out sometime, reading online Straits Times. Feeling heart-ache for the massive destruction done on Taiwan, China and Japan. After catching clips of what happened to Taiwan over the weekend on TV news, I started following the status of the current natural disaster.
The fiery waves swept past the low-lying areas, the gust of wind, the bodies of innocents floating above the water mixed with soil... For once I thought I was looking at a new Natural Disaster Movie (e.g. Day after Tomorrow..) But stood in front is Reality.
It just seems to me that GOD is doing his population control of Mankind during this period. With additional factors like H1N1, the process seems discouraging for the surviving us.
Not only these, our well-known personels have also left us.
Bobby Robson
Espanyol Defender Jarque - Who died of heart failure while talking to his girlfriend in a hotel, during Italy pre-season match
Crossing the half year mark of year 2009, with those news occuring, I really hope we should have lived happier.
Unfortunately, we can't.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Good to be back~
Finally I'm back here.. Surfing the net effortlessly.. Without having to wait for my sista's laptop to boot up for 15minutes.
Finally decided to fix up my 1st DIY desktop after getting my bonus on July! Just wanna post this entry for recording purposes (just in case I lost my reciepts). So this is what I brought at Sim Lim Square, after my findings, research from the net and HardWareZone :
AMD PII X4 955 BE + Biostar TA790GXE 128M - $435
Team Elite DDR2 2X2GB - $80
Seagate 500GB SATA2 - $82
CoolerMaster 310 - $69
I managed to buy the last piece of SF4 promo pack :
Palit GTX260 896MB
SonicAerocool E85M 550W
SF4 game - Bundle price $399
Total price : $1065
Being such a miser, I ended up staring at my bank book of how easily my bonus got 'leaking' away. But with the process of research till the date where I really made my purchase, I thought I learnt quite a bit. Fixing up those hardwares, 'digging' further into ways to spruce up the performance of my Processor chip.
Sense of achievement~ Let you see some photos of my new 'buddy'
My CoolerMaster big fan w/ Power supply
I really found lots infos on HardwareZone forum. Not really that difficult to fix up a CPU, but difficult to boost the individual parts. (I feel~) Now I can play my Sims 2, thinking of buying Sims 3 soon~ *Woo~ Download m0vi3s... etc..
Finally achieving another target this year..
Speaking about Year 2009 Target.
Other than this CPU, I also did obtain some achievement in my career. Bearing some labour fruits finally. And that certainly give me another strong push to fight harder during this recession period.
Another target!! I finally strike 4D in Year 2009!!!
*This can be counted as a New Year Resolution right?
To hold on to dream, turning them into reality really take tons of efforts. It's never easy. I'm glad I did it~
P.S. Anyone interest to buy my Street Fighter 4 (PC Version)?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
We fall sick on 25 Jun 09
7 days ago I fell ill...
Flu drowned me
Sore thoat squeezed my throat
Facing a voice change... My nose started blowing non-stop like a trumpet... It feels like it is gonna fall off... While thinking of this nose dropping feeling, it reminds me of somebody, whose Nose Surgery issue which make him a laughing stock.
As I slept through the whole morning till evening, with my radio on above my head... I thought I heard something like, "Class95 pays tributes to the King of Pop". At that point of time I didn't have the energy to wake up to find out. Only when I was taking my lunch, I logged on to the net.
I was absolutely shocked to see on Yahoo news that King of Pop, Michael Jackson was dead! He, who soared sky high during the 80s and early 90s, cut numerous record breaking album, has left the world. I started listening to all his greatest hits online during that afternoon.
Call it a Human weakness... Remember him only when he is dead. Listening to his songs only when he fall out of earth. I think this is the natural course which happen to most of us. For me, his death only causes my childhood memories to re-surface.
Songs of MJ were heard over the radio and tv during my primary school days. I'm not a huge fan of him, but as he slowly faded out of showbiz, our thinking of him during 21st Century, is only filled with stuffs concerning his Lawsuit, bankruptcy, his children and his nose matters.
I still remember during Primary school days, my principle make the whole school to remember this song by heart (lyrics was printed out given to everyone) and the whole shool sang it during (I think is) Children's Day. I remember I was performing in a segment during the concert, so I was up on stage singing this song with the rest of performers.
Heal the World
During Primary 4, I was selected (or voluntdeer, I can't recall) to perform again. A classmate of mine, decide to do a dance. He brought a video tape, show it to our teacher, which was given the green light to do it. After 2 sessions of rehearsal, the performance was called off by some issues which again, I CAN'T RECALL!! But we had fun during the rehearsals. Fake moonwalk, 'wriggling' our legs and shouted out,"Woo~" Guess what video we are working on?
During that time, I still remember I had a t-shirt with MJ's face on it! Coz stuffs about him is selling like hotcakes everywhere! On 1995, when I first saw his release of album, "HIStory", the mtv that show everyone screaming his name, where the helicopters pull off the curtains to uncover a statue of Michael Jackson (think is same height with Statue of Liberty). I was sucked to the television when I saw that.
Now I just wonder which artist now, has ever enjoy the same God-status treatment in showbiz like him? Having movies of him, releasing 10minutes extended version of MV? Having millions of fans all round the world. Even my Mum knows about him during my primary school days! Dance like him (So fast, his movement. So smooth, his Moonwalk.) I can't think of anyone.
To me, he is a Great Celebrity, who certainly occupied a whole chunk of memories during my primary school days. And I count myself fortunate to be born in the early 80s, to be able to caught glimpse of Michael Jackson while he is at his PEAK. Below is, I personally feel, the best clip from him.
Performing live, for the first time, his MoonWalk to the screaming
audiences, singing
Billie Jean
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Botanic Garden
Ever since the trip to Botanic Garden with my friends on May, I immediately locked on this greenie place as my next outing location. Last week I was wondering why there is a sudden turn-up to Botanic Garden (referring to my friends on Facebook, saw a number of their photos.)
I have an urge to go down there, to check out the whole garden.
I cannot recall exactly when was the last time I visited here. I think is during Primary 2 or 3 that time. Back then, I'm still clueless about what is so fascinating about the plants around there.
So on 29 May 2009, I decided to make a trip down.
It was 1450hrs when I reached the Main gate. I walking in with a singlet and red shorts. The Sun make me feel like a potato sent to oven for baking. I strolled along the pavement, passed by "Swan Lake" which I thought is a wonderful sight.
As I walked, I saw some bronze sculptures of swans.
Plus 1 cute duckie.
*Poof! He's gone!!
Interesting stuffs!! 1 group of tortoises doing sun tanning!! Think is tanning their shells.. Enjoy sia~
Ok! Now, tabulate how many type of animals have we seen at Botanic Garden?
- Koi
- Swan
- Mystery duck or bird
- Tortoise
Up next, real close-up with brown duckies!!
As I approached them tip-toe, slowly.. Once I hit the 20cm range, these frantic duckies flew away!!!
Looking at those 2 fellas flying away, my attention was drawn to this beautiful Performing Amphitheatre by Shaws Foundations. With a large scale lotus pond in front, the clean greenie turf is the seats for audiences! I couldn't help it but to take a seat, have a feel of what it is like to be listening to classical music by orchestra.
After this, it took me estimate 20 minutes to reach a place "Eco Pond". And this is where I see a Black swan for the first time in my life. I was truly amaze by it, can't help it but to move nearer and closer to it.
At here I found a nice cosy bench! Can't resist the mood to sit down there, admiring the quiet, peaceful scene.
20minutes later, I moved on. Till I reached a pavilion, where I saw 5 pairs of couples doing their wedding photo shoot there! Can't believe that this place is still a popular place for couples of my age. Following, down the road, lots of scupltures are seen within the plants.
This is named : "Passing the Knowledge"
Sitting by the Swan Lake, I keep my sight on the swans, swinging in pairs waiting for food scattered from the passerby.
I will say this trip down here is really worthwhile. A place where my soul is given a break from the normal 8.30am to 6pm tiring work time. A place I can ignore any phone calls, any conversations. Ignore practically everything. Taking photo with my Sony Digital cam while others are using their DSLR zooming in here, changing lens there.
It is also a place where I can hear my breathing clearly, breathing in the oxygen that those plants had given during photosynthesis.
If you wanna see more, please see below :
Thursday, June 11, 2009
This few days results revealing huge disappointment...
I'm struck with devastation...
Wonder haven I work hard enough? I planned to put the blame on other factors, but I can't...
Horribly bad results I've received this afternoon, 1700hrs. I just feel that I can do better. The sweat droplets that fall from my forehead everyday, seem worthless...
Disappointed with myself... Think I haven done enough... Arghhhh....
I need to chill....
Fate by L'Arc~en~ciel
Shout at the Devil by L'Arc~en~ciel
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I can wait for a little while more
After a week of tough and stressful work... I finally decided to give my previous story an ending.
As I was saying,
"Since the outcome is the same, why am I working so hard for?" pondered Buffalo A. And so he walked towards B and gang. As he stepped on the greenie grass, he turned back and take a look at the Farmer.
Farmer was checking through the padi, looking at the job status. Buffalo A thought he should get back to work.
He feel that he should stay as he is, work with his heart. As long as he get the job done at the end of the day, though no extra reward for him, he knows that he worked hard with a right conscience."
Quite a bad ending though... But I did think it through for the past one week, watched how LIFE swept past me. Although Work almost drowned me, I'm certain to slowly pick them and patched this large scrambled puzzle back a piece again.
P.S. Thanks my friends for the ideas!! = )
Monday, May 25, 2009
I like to have some FUN!
It's Monday. The weather is killing me... I started spilling rubbish at work....
Dunno why I started to develop a silly thought.... Real silly....
Share with ya one story :
"There was a Farm where there the rice padi farmers are. They had two buffaloes.
Both buffaloes does the same thing all day long, Ploughing. Buffalo A plough 10km everyday, whereas Buffalo B plough only 6km. During break time, A stood by the river, drinking, and at the same time admiring the long winding stream. B was happily enjoying accompany of other farmers' ox and horses.
Although A and B worked for the same amount of time, different amount of work done, the Farmer never gave them different amount of grass.
So one day, everything was at it's usual, but this time, A turn around and look on at B.
"Since the outcome is the same, why am I working so hard for?" pondered Buffalo A. And so he walked..... "
Alright, currently I'm thinking of an ending for this. Ermm.. Let me give it an ending after my serious thoughts.
What do you suggest? Spare me some pointers?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hot scorching sun soak wet my polo tee...
1200hrs, I went for a cat capture session with contractors. I personally combed the suspected areas of that particular block.
Culprit A - Has an owner...
Culprit B - Stood quietly one side...
I edged toward A, it ran for its life toward an unit.
So I happened to saw B by one side. Instructions given, cage placed. We all waited patiently... Seconds past..
Down the door came, locking B inside. Desperate claws pointed our like the way Wolverine in X-Men did. Scratching furiously against the door. I shook my head, informed contractor to send it away to other areas, instead sending to @vA for 'sleeping treatment', which I thought was real sinful.
1500hrs, a phone call came. Shouting on top of her voice saying,"I believe you guys just caught one of our sterilised cat! What do you think you are doing? You know by catching them, you are murdering them! You are a MURDERER!!"
For a split second, I paused my breath.
I was thinking, I didn't mean to do anything bad... It just did not come across my mind. But for my profession, I need to answer... "But Mdm. Sending it to @vA is our responsibility. Any stray c@ts found on open areas, we have the authority to remove it, especially when it is causing a nuisance to residents."
After she furious questions thrown to me one after another. I couldn't take it. I got my contractor to place the cat back on site.
I cannot say I was forced to do that. I just feel that I wasn't firm enough when handling these issues. I was taught numerous times by my colleague, on whatever SOP when dealing with these matters. But physically inside me, gave way... My soul took control.
I felt the word 'Murderer' just woke the inner soul of mine. For a moment, I felt I failed terribly as my profession for this simple case. Whereas, another part of me felt relieved, probably I indirectly saved that poor kitty. Now recalling the pitiful 'meow' while it is in cage, I certainly felt it.
What that Mdm had said to me,"You took a poor life away. With this cruel act, how can you sleep comfortably through the night?" I really understand it now.
The kitty leave another day.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Some thoughts & memories
I'm sitting down at my warm bedroom, watching the long awaited heavy downpour outside my windows. Wonder is it the effect of EarthDay (22 Apr 09)?? Some rain to chill the warm atmosphere at Singapore? Hope more kindness from Heaven for the upcoming days.
This few days post-dinner activity was to watch 9pm drama, "乒乓圆". Quite a boring drama (as usual). Even I, who don't even know how to set a ping pong ball, can clearly see that those fellas in the drama, do not even attain the basics of Table Tennis, before acting this drama! But I just wanna see how the underdog, He Sheng Wu, who was guided by Zhang Zi Yi, and finally or rather out of the blue, reach National Standard.
Sound silly. But as I watched, this brings back some past memories of my childhood....
During Primary 3, I was a normal student, who heads home straight after school. Only remedial lessons allow me to stay in school. I still remember once I went 'Void deck' soccer with friends, only to get myself dragged back home by Mum. With this absolute disgraceful incident, I become a JOKE. I started pulling myself further from friends. Although I love to play basketball or soccer with friends, well.. That day never comes.
So when I finally took up the courage to join the Soccer team as ECA. I attended 2 trainings, and the team was disband. *duhz... After this it was the annual sport day, I was always the one jogging aimlessly alone at the basketball court, during our House training (The school was divided into 4 Houses to complete in Sport Day). I not sure it's luck or fate. I was call up to participate.
But this is only because the selected guy for 100m was injured, a few days before Sport Day. The teacher-in-charge ask me to take part on behalf. Surprisingly I won the race. So from then on, I was asked to take part in whatever races (e.g. 100m, 200m, 4X100m)
Those were certainly times where I felt really proud of myself. I really cherish the moment I had.
Secondary School time, I was on my own. Took part in the events, won mostly Third prize. Suddenly those joy of winning seems fading away, as I couldn't find anyone to share.
Slowly... those facts become memories. Fade along with time. I just wonder when will I ever have the chance to shower in joy of my own success once again?
I'll be patient...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Something to think about
It is Friday...
A day where I stayed till 1900hrs at my workplace.
A day where I nearly overslept on bus while heading home.
A day where I isolate myself away from crowds.
A day where I thought that I shouldn't be laughing at others shortcomings.
Moments ago I went on YouTube to see what's the hip about "Susan Boyle". Published on Yahoo, reported with a amazing amount of more than 12Millions views!!
My secondary feeling after watching it, was : I was truly amazed by her voice, her ability to sing that song.
Primary feeling was : I'm touched by how the crowds gave Ms Susan (See it here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY) standing applause, the loud cheers after she bowed upon completing the song.
From the moment, she stepped on stage. People was thinking, she could be another 'William Hung- like' performer. They laughed away at her looks, her gestures. But the minute, she sings, the crowds' laughters make a U-turn to cheers.
What worth my thoughts was, the Laughters. It is my habit or rather my character to laugh at others over their silly stunts. It is only recently when a colleague of mine who declared that he/she's is moving on from our coy, I started to regret what I've done in the past.
Call it a common mistake. I got stuck ed with this 'Croc's tears' thingy numerous times. Bad bad habit to adopt. But I couldn't help it. It's not that this colleague did lots good deeds for me, neither nor, she joked over me, backstabbing me. I just felt remorseful after discovering, that he/she is gone.
I doesn't have much friends, (think should use) I doesn't have much colleagues that I can get along well with. As quote from Jazs, "Lesser friends is better than lots foes."
Well, Let me try to learn from here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I like the lyrics... Listening to the song, with the recent news floating in my mind, tears are forcing their way out of my eyelids
阿桑 - 保管
Composed by fellow Singaporeans : Xiao Han & Tanya Chua
Monday, April 13, 2009
It is 11 days past the day, I lived on Earth for a quarter of century. No special feelings, just thought I'm older.. That's all..
I was on leave on 2nd Apr. I slept till 10am... I step out of my house to Parkway Parade, hope to buy something I like. Aimlessly as I walked around, I stepped into Bengawan Solo an brought an extremely old-schooooool piece of cake.
Kaya Pandan Cake!!
Just in case this cake sounds alien-tic to you, it is a kinda cake coated with Kaya + Pandan paste all round the cake, adding some coconut fakes on the circumference. On top is a few drops of pinkish cream. Plain & simple cake. For your info, it costs $2 more than a Fresh Fruit cake!! *This surprise me too!
I dropped by my favourite Apollo Char Kuay Tiao at the Hawker Centre near the MacDonalds. Brought a $5 packet before heading home. *Luckily I got a $5 note with me!!
Afterwhich I shared the cake with my Dad who birthday falls on 6th Apr. Glad that Mum & Dad & my little nephew enjoyed the cake. Eventually the whole cake was only ate by they 3 plus ME. (Coz the rest of my family doesn't like a bit of the taste of Kaya w/ Pandan.)
To me, it doesn't matters. As long as Mum & Dad like the taste, do not find it difficult to eat, I very happy. Even it is without any birthday song sang, I feel blessed to enjoy it with them and I'm certainly thankful for that. = )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
So on that night, I went over to meet Jazs & my friends for an expensive dinner at BillyBombers Central. They doesn't like American foods, but accompany me in to dine, just to grant my wish! I am delighted that they brought me a Tee with Mr. Mao Z D's head formed by blink blink beads and my name at the back!! Post-dinner programme was talk-cock session at Brewerk Riverside, where I 'sank' a pint of beer plus a glass of Merlot (Courtesy of Jazs who can't take it..)
As quoted from my wife, Jazs' birthday card, 'No surprise given' but the time I had, the gift I've received had made my day on 2nd April 2009. Plus a bit special touch of feeling that this is the first time I'm spending my birthday as a Married Man.
I will like to say Thanks, and this includes friends who wrote on my Facebook wall, my colleagues who gave a present last Thursday, my pals and last but not least,
my dearest wife, Jazs.. Thank you...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I walked from 1400hrs till 1700hrs
Today is the last day of March 09. Will like to talk about my trip up the Long long walk on last Wednesday, 25th Mar 09.
It was my off-day. On 24th I was still clueless of what to do, where to go on the next day. I just feel that I need some relaxing outdoor trip. Not window shopping this time... I decided on that very day morning 11am.
I got dressed in a tees, short, shoes plus my Deuter bag. I took a bus to HarbourFront Interchange, spending almost 45 minutes in there and I almost fall asleep. *As usual... I started off my walk at Hort Park. I was floating around under the extremely hot sun, searching for those fun memories I had there. Looking around, there isn't sight of tourists nor visitors. Only 'Ban-ga-la' workers walking around with waterhose.
So there I gently strolled along, trying hard not to disturb the plants who are busy doing photosynthesis.
A few windmills here...
Glasshouse filled with pretty flowers!!
When my time is almost up, I managed to take a few shots of these black buzzing bugs near the entrance of the park.
Out of Hort Park, I proceed towards the Alexandra Arch.
The sun continue to prick my neck, arms with it's heat... I simply ignore it, as I walk on this long up slope bridge ALONE..
I believe there are hardly any one else up on the bridge, especially during weekdays. So these itching hands students decided to engrave their 'love declaration' on this poor bamboo... I thought they only do that to bus seats... Now here!! They are harming the nature...
Upon reaching here at around 1610hrs, the sun hide away. Not from the shady canopy of trees, but hiding within the dark clouds...
It was so much cooler up here on Henderson Waves. But I feel my legs are weary and tired..
My vision turn blur... *Haha!! Just kidding!
So the dark sky started rumbling... Signal that I have to fasten my pace down hill.
Reaching Jewel Box, I saw lightning few kilometres away.. But I still take some time to shoot this pretty flowers by the roadside, before making the dash down.
I let my legs free-wheel down the slope... Nearly collapsing down the steep stairs while heading towards HarbourFront MRT station...
Moving at lightning speed, I reached Raffles Place to fetch Jazs from work at around 1735hrs. While waiting I shifted 3 times JUST to move away from those silly smokers sitting in front of Chervon House. As I waited on, I saw Real-Life Buddhas!!!
Till then, I have to think hard where should I go the next time.....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Dinner & Dance 2009
1 day has passed. The scenes of yesterday night Company D & D still flashes across my mind... And I am certainly relieved that it went really smoothly, especially with everyone sent laughing in tears!
Flashes back to April 08, I was selected to be part of the Staff Leisure Committee. I felt that I was simply cursed.... Sometime, I really felt like giving it up, after a few events. Can hardly cope with this plus my Day-work. So I was absolutely relieved that yesterday night have descend to clear about 90% of my 1 year duty.
I started planning this Dinner & Dance since August 2008, with my committee members. Liaise with the Event Company and sourcing out for Hotels. Take us quite some time, added to that, our committee of 8 persons kept changing (due to resignations). I thought that will hit us hard, but fortunately, we held on....
Rendezvous Hotel was the selected venue. On 14th March 2009, a warm afternoon, 1540 hrs, I reached the hotel. While waiting for rest of the committee to reach around 1620 hrs, I went checking the site and spoken to the Hotel person-in-charge about the arrangement later on.
1730 hrs, I changed into my soccer suit, went down to the dinning area.
- Finalize the layout of tables,
- Had a short meeting with Event Company and Emcee, and
- Briefed my committee for the last time.
By 1820hrs, fellow colleagues started arriving. By 1945 hrs, the whole event commenced. I started 'Shuttle - runs' thr and fro the Stage and my dinning table. Eat halfway, there comes, "Antz, time for Prize Presentation." if not, "Antz, check out where's the Prize Presenter." (By the way, I'm suppose to pass the awards to the Prize Presenter) I simply didn't have time to slowly chew those dishes, just pour whatever edible down my throat.
There was one part, I was made to dance along the song, "Y-M-C-A!!" in front of the whole chunk of guests. (That's was so 'ma lu'....) After that, was another round of prize presentation
Finally, 2230hrs, the event was called to an end by the Emcee. While Fellow colleagues started taking photos with one another, I was again hopping around for the payment for Hotel, Event Company and Photographer.
Only after that, I was given a break... *Phew...
Sat down one corner with my un-used camera (I starting hearing others' cameras ticking away, one even claim batt flat!!) still hanging around my neck, I requested for a glass of ice water. Pour it down my throat. *Arhh.. Took a few photos with colleagues, changed and dump those pair of soccer socks into my bag. Saw the few groups happily chatting, thinking that there's isn't room for me in there, I left the hotel after glupping down a mug of beer.
Walking to the bus-stop under the drizzling red sky, with my camera (still un-used) with 2 fully charged batteries. Took a bus home (by then, it was raining heavily), lie flat on bed, thinking that I still need to work on 15th March, morning. *Anti-climax....
I was really glad it's all over, and after seeing those appreciating comments on my Facebook just now, I felt even better! And I'm really thankful for that little pat on my shoulder. = )
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I like....
Recently I have been listening to these songs. Plug on your headphones, start enjoying them on your MP3 player!
This song is "Lucky" - Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat. From Jason Mraz's album, 'We sing, We dance, We steal things'. Hear how their voices flow beautifully along together!
Also a duet, "Broken Strings" - James Morrison ft Nelly Furtado. Many fans comment that Nelly fare quite badly in this song. You may check out other James Morrison's 'Live' clips on YouTube with other singers, to compare.
This is one of Jazs & Antz fav song. "I'm Your" - Jason Mraz. I love this version, simple tunes with guitar and drum. I like the backing vocal! His voice blends in so well with Jason Mraz!! From this clip, you may also see how creative, how talented Jason Mraz is. Enjoy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I did them...
After seeing friends who posted on Facebook on '25 things of ME', I thought, I can come out with a few posts regarding me. Not willing to post it on Facebook to declare to ALL... my friends there, I decided to post it here. Rather remote for my colleagues ba...
Let's starts with...
- Watching numerous movies (E.g. LOTR series, MI series, Wu Jian Dao series), + Munching of Popcorn and Coke combo.
- Walked from Far East Plaza to Suntec to Bugis for window shopping in a single day.
- Brought my Timberland shoes, Soccer jerseys
- Grab a drink at Boat Quay TCC
- Lunch at Wheelock Place - Fish & Co.
- Dinner at Suntec - Carl's Jr, Subway
- Went Kallang Bowling & Community Centre for Basketball
- Cycle from my house to Botanic Garden & East Coast Park - New park connection to Changi Beach (on 2 separate days)
- Jog from my house to East Coast Park - MacDonald
- Went Sentosa for a walk
Monday, February 16, 2009
2009 NBA All-Star Weekend Slam Dunk Contest
I just caught the Slam Dunk Contest on YouTube.
The tiny fella, named Nate Robinson, standing at 1.75m (Consider very short in NBA) 'flew' over (I really mean flew over!) Dwight Howard who is 2.11m, dunking onto the net! Take a look at this!
How many people even of the height of 1.8m can slam on an NBA ring which is very much higher than those at your neighbourhood?! He is just amazing!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Money matters
It's been awhile since I last blog-ed. So much things had happened from Dec 2008 till now Feb 2009.
As you know, Dec 08, is where my Best-est moments occurred. Antz tying the knot with Jazs. And that follows by, our family overseas trips to China (Xi An & Beijing) This is the first time Antz ever celebrate X'Mas out of Singapore.
When back in Singapore, it is time for my friend, Candice's time to ring the wedding bells! Antz was certainly happy to be part of the gang in celebrating. From fetch the Bride ride to carrying of Roast piggy to decor of site and finally, the Big 'Yam Say!!!' during the dinner. That's was so much fun!
That's also make me wonder, how will I do mine in future ~ probably 2 years time.... *Planning~
You cannot deny that MONEY plays a BIG part in how well or posh or memorable you want for the next big thing in Antz's LIFE. 25 tables by the Multi-Purpose Hall or 25 tables at some Hotel Ball certainly depends on how much we are saving.. How high our careers can soar..
Currently I have hit my record of Longest time without a desktop. Since end of Nov 08 till now, and that may stretches till the next IT Show... (Somewhere March 09 ba..) Call me stingy or thrifty, I'm happily cool about borrowing my Sis' 'fast' laptop and my Office PC (After-office hours~ I swear!!) Anyway, I think I can 'TaHan' a few months more.
Aiya.. Whatever... I feeling real gloomy that CNY 09 is gonna be over.. Gotta wait next year for my ang bao liao... Zzzz...