Sunday, August 3, 2008

Treasure those ard U

3rd Aug 08

Due to change of working shift, I wasn't needed for work tis Sat.

Working environment change...

People around you change....

Your approach towards work certainly got to change too...

New experience for me...

Trying to adapt to it right now...

Keep on wondering how I should plan my future footsteps. As I've always say. Life still goes on... Friends in your workplace??? Pretty hard for one. Just follow your heart and Walk on...

Ok... Enough of that.. So this is how I spent my Sat :

1. Wash my piggies, giving them a nice shower... Looking at how comfortable they are after that brighten up my day!

2. Surf FaceBook.. Wondering why is my new Ambulance keep kana summon for no reason... (Parking War)

3. Went over Katong brought the "Glory Catering" $2.20 popiah. I feel it is worthwhile! Rate based on the taste of the chilli, big prawn. $3.20 for the Mee Siam, which is simply great! The more chilli the beta!

4. Watch 3 hours of "Animals Planet", while Jazs does her assignment.

5. Dinner was at the famous "Fly Fly Wa-ton Mee", ordered with very high expectation, but ended up. whining about the lack of taste in the mee... Till now, my rating of Best Wa-ton mee is still the "Jia Xiang Kolo Mee"!!

Sunday, what will I be doing? See how it goes when I wake up tomorrow..

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