Monday, December 31, 2007
Long week of break!!! WaHaha!!
27 Dec 07 - 1/2 day
Went home pack my stuffs, then head out again to fetch Jazs. I was really thinking, Jazs' colleagues or bosses will always have the same idea, "Jazs ah, your boyfriend doesn't seems like working orh? He always fetch you in Polo tee & jeans, if not Tee & shorts." *Duhz! Whatever... My job is so carefree, you will never get it anywhere else!
28 Dec 07 - 1 full day
Continue to pack my room, lunch was with Jazs. Wander alone in Chinatown then meet up with my dear Poly-mates for KTV with Jazs. Was real shocked to walk that long long winding tunnel to our room, no.51 (if I din remember wrongly) $34 for 3hrs + buffet sushi. But we only took once, and that was seriously a big chunks! Candice, Jazs and I all juggling with 2 full plates, struggled back to our room. Long time didn't let my crow-like voice flow out from my lungs. Apologies to all my K-mates..
29 Dec 07 - My weekend Off
Try our luck again to bowl at Kallang Leisure Park (this is the third time I meet up Cong for bowling). 1200hrs meet up, packed with people, switched to Jalan Sultan, found the bowling alley been demolished. So dogs and cats fall from the sky, we went over Marina Square. Saw the old bowling balls, queakie lanes, turn us off. In the end, we still went back Kallang Leisure Park, played our 2 games. *Freak... Like an ameutur, rolling my ball toward the gutter most of the time. It really wasn't like this when I play with my colleagues. *Sigh...
30 Dec 07 - Sunday!!
A very normal Sunday. Visited a family friend who is recovering from a cancer operation. (All the best, hope she recover soonest.) Right now, is to locate our 2007 CountDown!! Brain filled with vaccum, simply do not have the slightest idea of where to go.
Well, a nice, long holiday for me. No school holiday for me, but I mark the final moments of 2007 like an enjoyable holiday! Time to recall the whole 2007, for my next entry, may I not repeat the same mistakes I've made in this year!
P.S. TO my Poly-mates - I'll see ya on 1st day of 2008!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
X'mas Dinner ~ Antz's 2nd try

Take a look inside. It tastes kinda salty, but I feel it is a nice try!
Up next is the Salad.
Using Cherry tomato + pineapple + ham. By the sides are cooked prawns topped with crabsticks bits, veggies and Thousand Island sauce. Grabbing the whole prawn salad, stuff it in my mouth, it tastes really great!
This is the prawn mix I'm talking. Mmm..
Next, we cook the 5 Apple & cheese sausages and Ox Tail soup at the same time. The Ox tail taste real bad! Jazs drank a small bowl, Poor little Antz gotta gobble up the whole pot!! *Argh!!
Lastly is the Steak.
It really takes me 10 minutes, turning this plain beef (I did not marinate it) like prata (I think for more than 30 times), before it is nearly well done, I poked a few holes, pour a teaspoon of XO. I thought it will taste fantastic (From the way I cook it.) In the end, it still end up over-cooked. *Zzz...
So it is all done up. We set up the table, ready for our candlelight dinner. I must say it is a job well-done by the both of us, and we enjoy our dinner very much. Take a look at the photos below. Look pretty good right? Need my menu for your next X'mas? Or might as well hire me la. *LoL!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing day ~ I just wanna slp
Juz uploaded my X'Mas dinner on 22nd Dec 07. No time for blog at this time. Anyway, peek into my pics on my Flickr account first!
Monday, December 17, 2007
投名狀 - The WarLords
Today after work, 6pm. Off my PC, walked towards Toa Payoh Entertainment Centre to purchase ticket for 投名狀. From the trailer I feels it a real good movie not to be miss, so I really don't wanna watch it any later.
Brought my pop-corn + coke, sit down there. Alone.. Started munching my pop-corn, caught trailer of Stephen Chow's 2008 CNY movie, "Chang Jiang No.7". Another lame show, but hope it is better then 'Kung Fu". Also managed to see the 'Rambo 4" trailer. Can't understand why they still wanna force this old fella to flex his sloppy abs, killing like mad? Alright, back to 投名狀.
I feel this movie focus alot about feeling of individual main casts. All of them were reveal to have very true human instints. They cried, bled, screamed and kill.
Jet Li is indeed very different role as compared to "Once upon a time in China", "Hou Yuan Jia" etc. A very grey person, he tried to outwit, tried to conquer. But the environment really force him to result in wrongdoings. Which is very much true to what one's will do in real life.
Andy Lau is always the best. The pair of talking eyes, captured clearly what he wants to express. The sorrow, the bravery, he acted out was mavellous. It is a pity ending for this ill-fated hero.
Takeshi Kaneshiro, I feel he acted quite well. Lots of tears, very pitiful too. His best was the last part of the movie, his anger and rage was shown / filmed beautifully. One thing is that, I don't understand why the director placed a few silly statements for him during some parts.
The director, Peter Chan really craved out the every characters well. He make audiences feel that those killing, those sacrifices made were needed in order to achieve big things. Unlike the past, heroes just kill all enemies single-handed, leaving a field of dead men, achieving the main goal, "Conquer the World". And that's it. Whereas this movie, look into explaining why killings were done, promises were broken for the main characters to reach their goal.
Fighting scenes were great. Only pity is, can't hear Andy Lau's real voice. I feel this movie is on par with "Infernal Affairs", if not better. Probably take a look at this long trailer and the MV by Andy Lau before booking the tickets.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Can't I just have a nice weekend?
I was in fact hoping for a nice weekend (especially I'm not working on Sat!!) But the stomach virus got me.
Since last week, it started with my aunt & mum. Diarrhoea + Vomiting. This 'loving package' much much increase the amount of time you will spend facing the WC. It not that we have a new WC installed and wanna enjoy sitting in it more. But this silly virus just force us to face it at the very wrong time.
So it spreads to my cousin & nephew.
My nephew's mum & dad....
Latest (winter collection!!) Antz....
I felt kinda wrong in my tummy, but I thought I still have it under control. Especially after drinking some rich-in Vitamin C products (hoping to increase my immune system). Probably I slept too late on Friday night (2am), probably it is some 'stained' stuffs I gobbled in my mouth on Friday, I wake up on Saturday, 8th Dec 07, I felt something very wrong. Board the bus to Jazs' house, and off we go to Orchard for X'mas Shopping. I went the loo for a couple of time, thinking I could force it all out, so I can stay at town accompany Jazs. But I really break down at 3pm...
We went Cold Storage purchased the "Sweet & Sour Plum" <---- Read this from my experience (I totally a Sour Plum freak! But I'm not a SeaHorse, ok?!) of buying such stuffs, label like this usually tend to be sweet plum. Paid for it, stuff 1 into my mouth. The sour-ness wake my senses on my tougue, but unfortunately my tummy 'got' too excited with the taste. Like a slim flower vase with water already on it neck, throw in a few more stones, water just can't help but to overflow. So I left Jazs behind, I darted towards a 'nice' corner (behind a booth, that promoter still wanna give me leafet! If I ever take from her, I think err... I'm gonna stain her clothes..)
With plastic bag ready on my right hand, I Err.... puke it all out. After the wacking, a kinda soul (which I'm really grateful) offer med oil + gastic med. But I didn't accept. (I simply can't withhold even a grain of sand down my throat) With that, we went home which I stayed stagnant on bed from 6 - 9pm. Watch the silly "Golden H**** Award" till 11pm, it is time I carry on undergo coma treatment till Sunday. Luckily I recover in time for work today. *phew...
Well, right now is to focus on driving (not again...)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I barely made it.. Drag my soul to e max
11.30pm - Still awake... Can't fall asleep..
ZZzzz - *Don't know what time...
2nd Dec 07, 3.45am - Beep Beep!! My phone wake me up... Sleep on...
4am - Snooze! Beep again.. Pulled myself up. Did all legs warm up & stretching. Gulp down a sachet of Berocca + 1 litre of plain water. Tried loosen all my bones, with all sorts of stretchings.
4.40am - Guide a blur cab uncle to War Memorial to put my baggage.
5.15am - Heart beat rate increase... Doing my stretching still... Looking around, hoping to see any familar faces. But not a single soul. Thought of relieving myself, Saw lots people at the toilet area, give up. I control!!
5.30am - Strange... MC still there dunno 'kao bei' what.. I just walk towards the starting line.
5.50am - Joined the queue towards the starting line. *I'm still 100m away, argh...
5.52am - Started jogging along the street towards Lau Pa Sat.
6am - As usual, unsightly... Saw a few dudes dashing into the hedge to .... PEE... *urgh... I took the queue into the loo, and I move off to Marina South.
I was just heading inwards Marina South when I saw the black runners running, or should I say sprinting away back to the CBD area.
Saw the new pier where we took the boat to 'Kuku Island aka Tortoise Island'. Not a bad design, can take a pic of it standing alone at the part of land with the sun rising.
Then I was passing by the CBD building, amazing sight. I ran along the middle of the road, look up. Nice experience! Till I saw this old man in Spiderman suit. A cab driver stopped by asked him,"SpiderMan!! Where's your web?" "No more, used finish."He replied in a weary voice. I really give thumbs up for his courage to run in the dumb suit. I sped towards Fullerton Hotel - Esplande with full confidence. Cameras by the sides, people taking part in 10km waiting to start off, clapping their hands in encouragment. Damn high! Keeping running, feel the breeze brushed against me. *Song!
8.20am - I was at ECP, approaching my 20km soon. Grabbing cups of Ice Mountain along the way. Show a few fellas simply too tired, took the 100Plus, happily drenched their head with that!! *Wa lau eh... See properly ma..
8.31am - Gone through half of it! *phew!! Without much training, I reached within 3 hrs without feeling the slightest bit of cramp!! But you can never deny how bad your luck can be. Once I was so happy of not caught in cramp, there comes ...
9am - Almost reaching the turning point, I felt the first taste of pain.. My thigh.. Struggled, but keeping jogging. Saw a cockster.. I really wonder whether he knows what the hell is Deep Heat. He took a 20 cents of it, ran off, stared at it, brought it towards his nose, smell.. The girl who gave him that,"Hei!! That's Deep Heat, cannot eat one!!" *Wahahah!!! What the hell?! Passing by the Seafood Resturant, I saw QH. His tied little pony tail, bouncing up & down, his face looked as if he's been possessed. Better not call him.
9.30am - Cramp stopped my laughing.. It's my turn to use deep heat. Upon reaching 28km, I applied it over my both legs and my left shoulder. Took the power bar, swallow it. Kinda yucky, dashed towards the next drink station, pour the ice cold water over my head, drank a cup of 100 plus.
10am - Started my walkathorn with the 'Song Ka' team. All of them walking as if they are behind a van with photo frame on top the number plate. I absolutely feel like giving up. I'm till the state where it cramps even I'm not running.
11am - Trying to overtake as much ah pek & ah soh in front of me, at this moment, I think I've used up 200ml of deep heat. Whole body smell of deep heat. Heck care the pain, force myself to swim through the walking party. Taking every drink station signs as a marking, upon seeing it, I'll jogged with bigger steps towards it. Reached Kallang PA, grabbed my third banana, slowly walk and consume. Saw an Ah pek took 3 bananas, he ate 2, third one hold on his right hand as he continue his jog to the finishing line. *wah.. I 'kan' tired to chase after his sia.. But then, even tired, I told myself must at least remain cool. Don't fall in front of so many people, damn 'ma lu'. Tired but must look 'shuai', must very 'siao sha' walked away from each drink station. Pour the water, drenched your head. Took a few slips of 100plus, then throw the cup up the air and run off. Run till they cant see you, THEN!! pull over at the side, massage your sore legs. *HaHa!
11.30am - The sun shine hard on me, the rays pierced through my skin. Together with my new jogging suit. (FBT black singlet + black shorts) I feel like lying on the ground, simply no strength to carry on. I suddenly remember, my baggage still there! If I dont get back soon, I gotta queue long long, if reach there after 2pm, my stuff all donated to charity! (According to the leaflet la, wonder how true.) Heck care la! Err.. walk.. Not jog.. From Crawford St - Republic Ave nearly took my life away. From Kallang, gotta run down slope, then a up, winding slope. *ARGH!! 'Wa ai si liao la'
11.45am - I really no strength to enjoy the scene of in front of me. holding on to my nearly broken left shoulder, I tried stalked behind a lady. Creating lots of friction between my Adidas shoes and the rough road, I stopped down to walk along Eslpande. I know I'm going on the last 1.2km, I know I'm gonna finish. I know many people be looking at me. But I can't take it liao.
11.55am - Saw 'No SignBoard SeaFood' at Esplande, thinking should be reaching soon. A girl was there cheering everyone,"Come'mon guys! Last bit, 1km only. Use up that last bit of your energy to finish it!" I bite my 'teeth roots' tight, dashed towards City Hall. So now this final part, more people gathered around to cheer the runners. I darted even faster, almost forgetting about the pain I'm feeling for the past 2 hrs. Seeing the clock "6Hrs 00Mins ", I just sprinted towards it. Lots of people cheering sia! One word 'Song!' Finishing it, someone tapped my back. I saw an unknown guy, he smiled, reached out his hand,"Congrates! We did it!" I returned with a smile and hand shake. I feels really good to have someone giving a well wishing after all this torment.
Finally I collected my first ever 'Finisher Tee'!! Extremely happy!! Going of home almost immediately, as if drunken, I bathed, dragged myself into bedroom doze off without opening the window or on the fan. Till now I still feel the pain in my legs. But it's all worth while! Anyway Congrates to all finishers of SCSM2007!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My tribute to my dear piggy

The cute darling with his sis & bro....
He is someone who never lets me carry him in peace....
Twice he nearly snapped his jaws on my palm.
He was the fattest of those 3.
We always thought he looks healthy.
We always thought he'll be with us for another 2 years..
We thought....

The ever hungry darling....
But he is not alone. We place him together with our 2 hamsters, hoping he have accompany to play with, to hug in warmth with and to walk along with.
Till then, Mummy and Daddy bade farewell. We hope you feel better up there. Your presence will buried down into our memories.....
~~~~27th Oct 2007~~~~
Friday, November 16, 2007
I'm facing Solar eclipse at work
Introducing: (From left to right)
Guinea Dad, Guinea Eldest son, Guinea 2nd Daughter, Guinea Mum

Four of our lovely ones fall in for meal-time.
Mmm.... Gotta show more concern to these 4 guinea piggys now. The death was probably due to our lack of concern and Jazs was really sad when the youngest died. It's a pity I could not make it in time to see him off. *Sobz.. By the way, 22nd Nov is those 2 young fellas 2nd year Birthday! Need to shop for some treats for them!
Recently Jazs have been thinking about how to re-decor her living hall. So using The Sims 2, we come out these 2 designs. Let me show you Jazs' design:

In my opinion, both were equally nice. Without doubt, they are better then the present layout!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Can't understand why the worse was always saved at the last
Last few months was all about HOSPITAL. Same like last year which occurred almost the same time. The first half of October 2007 started with Mum contacting Dengue fever. I was going up and down to SGH everyday. Worries filled my mind, till I kinda lost all my common senses, especially during work. Even at work, I was tired out. Lots of stuffs to handle, my brains nearly went busted. So there's was a point of time, Mum's blood platlet fall below a threatening count of 13. I was frantic, quite lost, as I know there's no actual cure for this fever.
Fortunately she recovered within 2 weeks long stay in SGH, so we went home.
My mind was at ease for a moment. Well, happiness was with for a short period of time. There kick off the second half of October, my Dad was down with Urinary infection. I transferred my destination to TTSH. After the diagnose at A&E, he was sent to ICU. It was a short period of time. During his stay there, I was amazed by the doctors who advised me about Dad's condition. They seemed not 5 years older then me, not only that, words from them don't convince me at all. Transferring to the normal ward was the same issue. *No comment.....
During this time, work was back to norm. I spent the whole week, visiting Dad during my lunch time. While at the normal ward, the doctors discovered Dad have some heart problem that was never diagnosed in the past. But they don't pose a huge threat to his health currently. So Dad was discharged last Saturday. Hope this forgetable period is soon over. Till then, I pray for a peaceful future ahead till the end of the year.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It's a Weekend of waiting...
Waiting for re-call...
Waiting for my instant noodle to be cook...
Waiting for Jazs finish studying her test....
Waiting for bus...
Waiting for dinner...
That's my Saturday, 29 Sept 07. So what have you been waiting during your weekend? Why not spend a bit of your rest time listen to this song.
陳奕迅 - 淘汰
It's written by Jay Chou (I personally feel Jay simply don't express this song better then Eason Chan)
Enjoy this song and ya weekend too!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Slowly adapting my new whole new chapter
Dinner was SG very own, Mixed Vegetable Rice!! Later K, indeed brought back some memories. Listening to those songs they sang, I was thinking back, days where I listen to Jay's songs & burning the midnight oil. Skipping lessons to go K' Lunch. *Ha!
But sometimes, I do feel speechless, empty mind. Simply have no idea what to talk to them. The reason I guess, should be Time.
Right now working, although I do have colleagues accompany, it is never as fun as compared to poly days.
Today after work, went jogging for around 6km. Did chin-ups - 3 reps of 5. My whole body was drenched. Felt so tired now. Really wonder how I can withstand the long 42km marathorn.
Back at home, watching the variety of learning language, hosted by Jeff Wang & Mark Lee. This espisode is on Thai, they went Chiang Mai. Watching it, I was so tempt to go BKK another time!!!
This few days have been listening to this song.
If I'm not wrong this song was release by 南拳妈妈 quite some time ago. Vey nice song, nice lyrics!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Funny but it does have some effect on you!
Second is this...
I feel it's better then the previous. Heard some children reciting this, while watching. Can see that it's getting the impact of the main point of the ads.
So there goes this hunky fella, selling his house. To certain extend it kinda sucks. After watching a few times, I feel it's damn funny!!
For this, listen to the kinda 'chui' english, the way he poses. "The kitchen is over THERE!!" "The bedroom is over THERE!!" *HaHa!! The last part, "Wanna see more? Call this number." The last 4 numbers are certainly lucky!!! "Huat Zhai Ho Bei!!!" Came out 3rd at Sunday's 4D!! "Zhun Zhun" somemore.
Another 'Huat Zhai' hotspot, is the tree which resemble a monkey at Jurong West area. 100+ people flocked there, the numbers come out too! There are 4 other trees with the shapes of other animals. They were formed by the merging of new and old tree bark and the 'popping' out of new tree trunk. Strange it's seem, just wondering how true it is. Let's see for ourselves for the next few 4D, if really come out again... *Mmmm.. Should consider go over, check it out.
Over the weekend, bought a new game "Sims 2 - Pets". Immediately rush home with Jazs. Installed and start creating a new pet!! Over dozens breeds of doggies and catties (Err... Catties is kinda weird, I know...) Can even create your own breed (Aka Pa Cheng Gao! *LoL!!) At first the default pedigree dog looks kinda funny, E.g. Husky. The nose and ears look certainly 'alien-tic'!! This game, unlike Sims 1 where you juz buy a guinea pig and dump there. Sims 2 - Pets allow you to name your guinea pig and birdies!! Most interesting part is surely developing relationship between your Sims and their pets! *Erm... Think not much peeps of my age is playing this ba..
Monday, September 10, 2007
Stuck in toilet 4 times a day means.....
Very bad...
The 'Ma La' soup was plain oil!!! Due to those 3 stalls at Bugis were crowded, so we decided to proceed there. But it turn out disaster!!
Sunday morning, Antz felt like a
My stomach was spining, whining away... *argh... Like a TV switched on, electric current shocked my stomach like no body business. Hell... Even till today... Struggled at work...
Anyway, something to cheer about. Coz Antz going for Standard Charted Marathorn!! WaHaha!! After missing out last year SG Marathorn and this year AHM, I finally signed up, and ready for Runner's pack collection!!! Thinking that I've haven really train up this year, I'm sure to spend 2hrs walking. So I didn't ask any friend along. *Mmm... Until 4 Dec 07, I Gotta train hard.
Let's see...
Run around my house 10,000 rounds?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Ramen hunting at Boat Quay!!
Upon reaching the shop, let's have a preview of what you gonna consume..

Walking in....

We sat right in front of the japanese cook. No worries, you won't feel hot even the pot is 20cm away from you!!
Looking at the menu.... *Note the prices..

If you caught my last ramen's entry, you will know I ate a bowl which costs $20. *Bomb...
Ordered my fav!!! Butter & Corn Ramen!!! This is with XXtra butter!!!
Need to comment on 1 thing special about this stall is the spoon.

After drink the soup, I took a bite on the egg immediately! Not as salty as the one at 'Central'. Looking at the spices tray in front of me, I started adding almost all of them!!

Looking at this view, tells you that This is almost as good as 'TamPoPo'!!

Another thing I like about this stall is it provide free tea!! Not I 'niao chee niao lan', The tea is not normal tea, it 'Shao Cha' *Hot Tea. Very nice!! What's more the price is budget. It is very filling too! Strongly recommend for Ramen lovers!!
After dine, we walked over Far East Square to drink my fav 'Mr Teh Tarik'. *phew... Nice dinner. Also a nice evening to catch up with long no contact friends...
Ending today's entry by Sharing with you this song by SHE - 再别康桥. Was surprise when Jazs told me there's MV for my current fav song. *Thanks Dear!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How do you think you are ready for the final stage of Year 2007?
Yesterday read news that a 'wise' fella stole a SAR21 from camp. *What e hell?! Don't know is he kana 'sa bo' or he feel like testing SAF's water. Of all the things in camp to steal, why go bloody steal a SAR21 and some more appeared at Orchard Cineleisure?!
Monday, I went basketball alone. Playing in a world of my own, with a few guys at the other side of the court. *Arr... My knees... They are back... Sometimes even when walking along street with Jazs, I do feel the pain in there. Haven seen a doc, neither do I plan to. Observe for a few weeks first. Anyway, gotta treat my back first. Feeling the pain on my lower back, down to my ass. Cant really sleep well man.
Today entered my house at 7.15pm, immediately switch to TeleText to check 4D result. *poof! Gone... Not a sign.. Recently I have been betting 4D, thinking that every month should have fork out 5% of your wages to do some 'minor investment'. You never know when you will struck 'Tao Pio'! Added to that, you will find that your conversation with ya Mum or Dad will slightly increase. *Haha!
Looking through some of my friends blogs, saw a few were looking for the '881' OST. To my surprise I got it at my house!! Still haven find out is whose. But anyway, Anyone wants a copy?
Just to comment this MV of '881'. It damn funny!! Where e hell you find 'Ge Tai' with lion dance? Remind me of '15' the Ah Beng movie.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
How many more chances can u give me?
I can't stand it...
Can't contain my disappointment...
I sucks...
Anyway, who is interested in a job as Property Officer? Willing to work at Toa Payoh area. Willing to work with AntZ!!! Willing to get screwed by residents every now & then?? Currently my division short of staffs, juz drop by for interview, as long you have experience of building management. (I dun have la, but I'm still there liao.. :P)
Please join me... (
Serious... If you interested or have friends to recommend, contact me ba..
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hopefully your hairstyle 'mishap' doesn't curse your day
What e hell..
The sides went botak
and Antz went berserk...
The back was like a horse tail...
I feel like a New Zealand native Maori...
For once I look like a joke... Really feel like pulling my hair strands out every moment I touch them. Hopefully it brings me luck. LoL!!
Got 2 news to share. 1st is Antonio Puerta, a Spanish left-footed defender, 22yrs old has died. He collapsed during the 1st half of match, medic came. He come round shortly after Medic attend to him. Walking back to the dressing room, he collapsed again, and was sent to hospital. Moments later, he was declared dead. Although I never saw him play on the pitch, I feel the pity which thousands other people do. Such young age, he was even nicknamed 'Golden Left foot' by fans. Just like that, he left, due to heart attack. Take a look the clip below. It's damn sad.
Well, that's Life. That's Fate.
2nd is retirement of Manchester Utd's Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. From 1996 - 2007 he served ManU. Never get into those awful news about beating up foreign students or get close with hookers. Modest player, mostly coming as subsitute, but plenty of goals. I remember his goal that give Man U the Champ League Treble. Pity that his final days at Man U was spend recupping his injured knee,
Farewell.. Solskjaer..
Ending this entry, song by Jolin - 听说爱情回来过. The song I recently been singing alone in the lift. LoL! Enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Let's see how a few weeks past, surprise yourself
From that moment, I decided to carry out a workout plan.
Upon reaching home after work, on my radio and fan.
1 - Bridge : Lie sideway, push ya body off the ground by your forearm. Do for 40secs Left, Right, Centre.
2 - Squats : Raise your both arms, form a 'Y' shape with ya body, legs shoulder-width apart. Try squat without bending your upper body forward. 30 times
3 - Push-ups : Pump up your chest and stretch your shoulders, 15 times each.
4 - Alternate leg thrust : 15 counts of 4, try reach your hand with your feets.
Trial out this for 3 weeks, just wanna see if it works. Erm... If you got better suggestions, please shout out to me!!
For now, gotta reduce on lunch and dinner intake and....
Don't really think I can resist them...
Will reveal the outcome in 3 weeks time!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The most expensive Ramen I ever stuff in my mouth!!!

phew.... Turning the menu around, there you go. English ver.
I ordered this, Aosa Ramen aka SeaWeed Ramen w/ lots spring onions,
lots lots seaweeds, nice soup (I feels it is too salty), the ramen was fantastic!
Remember to add in the fried garlic!!
Plus this almost 'well done' egg york! *Think I left
it in the hot soup too long, the york is .... like those 'tea leaf egg'
*For your info : The Ramen do not include this egg, It is sold separately!
I simply cant resist the taste of this ramen!
Opps! Even 'tan' the soup!
*For your info : If you finish the ramen, with some leftover soup,
you can actually buy extra ramen to add-on for $1!!

When footing the bills, I was shocked! *Mmm... Trying to hold
my dropped jaw...
The bill shows: My Aosa Ramen = $16.00
Add a egg = $1.00
Plus 10% Service charge and 7% GST
Together with Adam's order = $40.00!!
I swear I'll only have this once a year! It's much much more expensive then my top-rated Ramen at Liang Court 'Tampopo'!! (The famous Deluxe Ramen cost = $13.00)
Overall taste of Ramen : Nice, smooth ramen. Soup base too salty. Luckily there's self-service ice water by your side. Char Siew is suuuuupperrrr soft! Almost melt in my mouth!! It is almost 85% to fully cooked!
Resturant : Staffs are speaking to you in jap (which I dun understand a single word, as they served me ramen.) Looking at the 'Hiring list' outside, "Staffs should equip w/ English and Basic Japanese." Overall they are friendly!
Name : Ramen Marutama
Address : The Central, #03-90/91
"Ruby? What is that?" -- Oh please.... look at this...
Indeed, there's such a song by Kaizer Chefs - Ruby!
Lyrics :
[Verse 1:]Let it never be saidThe Romance is dead'Cause there's so little elseOccupying my head
[Verse 2:]There is nothing I needexcept the function to breatheBut I'm not really fussedDoesn't matter to me
[Chorus:]Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyDo you, do you, do you, do youKnow what you're doing, doing, to meRuby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
[Verse 3:]Due to lack of interestTomorrow is canceledLet the clocks be resetAnd the pendulums held
[Verse 4:]'Cause there's nothing at allExcept the space in-betweenFinding out what you're calledAnd repeating your name
[Chorus][Middle 8:]Could it be, could it beThat you're joking with me?And you don't really see you and me [x2]
[Chorus:]Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyDo you, do you, do you, do youKnow what you're doing, doing, to meRuby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyDo you, do you, do you, do youKnow what you're doing, doing, to me
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
It all started in a blurry state & We patiently pile in whatever we have to make it sturdy till now...

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Here am I at last!! Don't you feel glad? Screaming for my arrival?
Finally after 3 days struggling with applying my new template, I figure it out!! (10minutes ago) After I stop blogging for more than a week, I realize that I got tons of stuffs to crap. Ermmm... Let me think..
Let's starts with....
Let's start with some brain-storming of those few events I encountered before I blahz them all out! *LoL!!
P.S. Please bear with me.. I'm drained out, Give me a break... Sorry..
Blog Archive
- Hopefully your hairstyle 'mishap' doesn't curse yo...
- Let's see how a few weeks past, surprise yourself
- The most expensive Ramen I ever stuff in my mouth!!!
- "Ruby? What is that?" -- Oh please.... look at t...
- It all started in a blurry state & We patiently pi...
- Here am I at last!! Don't you feel glad? Screaming...