One fine day, Antz was happily bathing. Lower as he goes...
alright... Stop...
Soap reaches his tummy...
It seems to be 'bouncing'?! For once Antz thought his eye sight had extremely increase!! Rubbing his eyes, put on his glassess. 'Soap' his tummy again.
Price for not jogging for 2 weeks, gobbled dinner like 'brothers' of 7th month, drink drink drink... Antz was wondering what gone wrong? Thinking back those days in camp, he WAS a fit Beagle. Now he look like a Shai Pi
From that moment, I decided to carry out a workout plan.
Upon reaching home after work, on my radio and fan.
1 - Bridge : Lie sideway, push ya body off the ground by your forearm. Do for 40secs Left, Right, Centre.
2 - Squats : Raise your both arms, form a 'Y' shape with ya body, legs shoulder-width apart. Try squat without bending your upper body forward. 30 times
3 - Push-ups : Pump up your chest and stretch your shoulders, 15 times each.
4 - Alternate leg thrust : 15 counts of 4, try reach your hand with your feets.
Trial out this for 3 weeks, just wanna see if it works. Erm... If you got better suggestions, please shout out to me!!
For now, gotta reduce on lunch and dinner intake and....
Don't really think I can resist them...
Will reveal the outcome in 3 weeks time!!
In the meanwhile, wonder have you guys hear this song by Maroon 5 - Makes me Wonder. I really feel the main vocal, Adam Levine, sounds like Mickey mouse
at times. Especially the chorus!! Enjoy!!
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