24th March 2010
I have been listening to a few songs repeatedly. This is one of them.
Song name is "上帝早已预备" by SamMi Cheng
Verse :
Chorus :
So loving the chorus till I placed it on my MSN private message
"上帝早已预备, 我不相信运气" And this noon, Gavin came asking me, "U turn Christian?"
Kinda mis-leading for putting up such message.
I have to clarify this, I'm really open to rest of the religions around. But I believe there's only one united GOD up there looking over every single one of us, which I does not know who is it, or whatever form it is.
I seems like a Free-Thinker and I am very interested to visit Hindu Temples, Churches or Cathedrals. Furthermore, I can't deny the fact that I enjoyed watching movies like "The Nativity Story" and "Passion of Christ". I watched them alone, appreciating it just like another touching story I've heard, and leaving the cinema seat with a few droplet of tears across my cheeks.
Nothing about getting out of track of where I am, but I feel that every religion definitely has it own beliefs and teachings that everyone can understand and practice (irregardless of which ever religions). There isn't any religion that is the MOST powerful or MOST convincing or Greatest of them all. I hope that everyone in the World can hold each other hands, say their own religious prayers but stay selfless and pray only for the well-being of every single beings on Earth. You may take a look at this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selflessness
Personally this is what I practice, I believe, and I feel as I walk along this path call LIFE.
Similar for above Christianity song by Sammi. I always have believe LUCK was given by someone up there. From that chorus, it reads : There wasn't any luck in life, it is just another plan done up by GOD. Thinking about it for some time, I read it as : Luck was given to me by GOD, indirectly it is like GOD had PLANNED to give me this luck. I just wonder anyone feel the same as me, or rather I should put it this way : Anyone's beliefs is as complicated as mine?
Guess I'm more suitable to have my own religion, my very own sets of Beliefs. And I shall live as what I feel I should do, with a little help from Someone up there.
P.S. Above is solely my personal views and thoughts, nothing personal to anyone. I apologize if my statement has offended anyone.
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