17th Jan 08
"如果今天將失去眼前的一切 , 剩低清風兩袖也不計
唯獨你一個是不可給取替 是我生命裡的一切 哦....
如早知今生跟你有幸可相愛 在當初應更努力陞憎?
其實我知道是可一不可再 下半生准我留住你一直相愛....."
I just feel that maybe it is time to open up a brand new chapter of our life.
I just came back from an India dinner with my polymates. Spicy and below my expectations dinner. Masala chicks, fishy head curry, Naans.. Mmm... I thought I can get a better meal at the Indian fast food outlet, Komalas, or other Hindi coffee shops around Little India. Well, I guess this is what branding is all about. Gathering was full of crappy jokes from Ham (What drink will make a Man's semen less stinky?) and Candice. This is the day where Hao's GF was revealed! Anyway today indeed stirred a spice on the very first day is 2008!
P.S. Guys, do send the photos to me! : )
On 31st Dec 07, I was wandering with Jazs at Liang Court. Went Audio House to check out any affordable Dig.Cams, saw a Lumix selling at $299, but didn't close the deal. Thinking of going elsewhere for a slightly better one. *Anyone can recommend any model or any good brand?
Next is Meidi-ya, which is located at basement 1 of Liang Court. Managed to catch glimpes of the (I think) most expensize "Wo de mei ren" (Watermelon)
This Rocky Melon cost a bomb!!
These Grapes were $59.90! I wonder is the seed inside gold? Or they use a high technology equipment to remove the seeds in there?
Look at this man. 2 apples for $19.90. Will your mum even buy them for praying at home? *Insane....
At night we went over Jazs' uncle condo for the 8 minutes Fireworks from 18th storey unblocked view towards Marina Front! Fantastic view up there! On 0000hrs you can hear those cars trapped in ECP jam, honking for celebration! Vessels far ahead, shooting up beams of red signals as a way of welcoming the New Year! Something very special for a New Year countdown.