Ever since the trip to Botanic Garden with my friends on May, I immediately locked on this greenie place as my next outing location. Last week I was wondering why there is a sudden turn-up to Botanic Garden (referring to my friends on Facebook, saw a number of their photos.)
I have an urge to go down there, to check out the whole garden.
I cannot recall exactly when was the last time I visited here. I think is during Primary 2 or 3 that time. Back then, I'm still clueless about what is so fascinating about the plants around there.
So on 29 May 2009, I decided to make a trip down.
It was 1450hrs when I reached the Main gate. I walking in with a singlet and red shorts. The Sun make me feel like a potato sent to oven for baking. I strolled along the pavement, passed by "Swan Lake" which I thought is a wonderful sight.
As I walked, I saw some bronze sculptures of swans.
Plus 1 cute duckie.
*Poof! He's gone!!
Interesting stuffs!! 1 group of tortoises doing sun tanning!! Think is tanning their shells.. Enjoy sia~
Ok! Now, tabulate how many type of animals have we seen at Botanic Garden?
- Koi
- Swan
- Mystery duck or bird
- Tortoise
Up next, real close-up with brown duckies!!
As I approached them tip-toe, slowly.. Once I hit the 20cm range, these frantic duckies flew away!!!
Looking at those 2 fellas flying away, my attention was drawn to this beautiful Performing Amphitheatre by Shaws Foundations. With a large scale lotus pond in front, the clean greenie turf is the seats for audiences! I couldn't help it but to take a seat, have a feel of what it is like to be listening to classical music by orchestra.
After this, it took me estimate 20 minutes to reach a place "Eco Pond". And this is where I see a Black swan for the first time in my life. I was truly amaze by it, can't help it but to move nearer and closer to it.
At here I found a nice cosy bench! Can't resist the mood to sit down there, admiring the quiet, peaceful scene.
20minutes later, I moved on. Till I reached a pavilion, where I saw 5 pairs of couples doing their wedding photo shoot there! Can't believe that this place is still a popular place for couples of my age. Following, down the road, lots of scupltures are seen within the plants.
This is named : "Passing the Knowledge"
Sitting by the Swan Lake, I keep my sight on the swans, swinging in pairs waiting for food scattered from the passerby.
I will say this trip down here is really worthwhile. A place where my soul is given a break from the normal 8.30am to 6pm tiring work time. A place I can ignore any phone calls, any conversations. Ignore practically everything. Taking photo with my Sony Digital cam while others are using their DSLR zooming in here, changing lens there.
It is also a place where I can hear my breathing clearly, breathing in the oxygen that those plants had given during photosynthesis.
If you wanna see more, please see below :