10 Jan 2011
Brand new year, finally started my engine with some boosters for work and my life. Just wanna update the past one exciting month happenings......
Absolutely wonderful ending to year 2010, with Antz & Jazs' wedding which took place on 18 Dec 2010, Park Royal Hotel. Thinking back, I really really miss those fun moments we had.
On 20 Dec 2010, Antz & Jazs went out of SG to the most Northern part of Japan, the legendary Hokkaido. Our first overseas trip with only the both of us. Sweet sweet journey indeed... Scenes and weather simply hugged us like sugar to donut of our honeymoon.
Afterwhich, my poor poor back injury haunted me the next day after I return from Hokkaido. You wont believe how it's striked me. The sharp prick on my back felt throughout my spine as I stood up from the bowl. Not as bad as the one I had on 2010 Jan, but it certainly hit me real bad. Luckily I'm able to walk after lying down for 20 minutes. But I couldn't bend forward from that moment.
Struggled to get back to work, as my Dear Jazs assisted me with tying of shoelaces. Laughters from my colleagues & boss as I expected, after telling them I may need to take leave the next day. Sitting down the alone the coffeeshop, where I continued to feel the pain after 15 minutes into my lunch.
Next two days, were my Rest-Spine-Days... Thank god, it got better after a week of rest and the amazing Bowen theraphy session I had on 28 Dec 2010.
Lemme share with you during my next entry. Need accompany my wife for once!!
= )