Monday, May 25, 2009

I like to have some FUN!

25th May 09

It's Monday. The weather is killing me... I started spilling rubbish at work....

Dunno why I started to develop a silly thought.... Real silly....

Share with ya one story :

"There was a Farm where there the rice padi farmers are. They had two buffaloes.

Both buffaloes does the same thing all day long, Ploughing. Buffalo A plough 10km everyday, whereas Buffalo B plough only 6km. During break time, A stood by the river, drinking, and at the same time admiring the long winding stream. B was happily enjoying accompany of other farmers' ox and horses.

Although A and B worked for the same amount of time, different amount of work done, the Farmer never gave them different amount of grass.

So one day, everything was at it's usual, but this time, A turn around and look on at B.

"Since the outcome is the same, why am I working so hard for?" pondered Buffalo A. And so he walked..... "

Alright, currently I'm thinking of an ending for this. Ermm.. Let me give it an ending after my serious thoughts.

What do you suggest? Spare me some pointers?