Last few weeks, my house was undergoing some renovation work. Re-painting and plastering of cracked concrete. The silly contractor left a great deal of unsatisfactory works behind each and everyday! I simply cannot take, picked up my cellphone, screwed the contractor on the first night. This fella even complained to my aunt about my 'bad' attitidue! *F...! Now finally it is all done up, while I got back on my seat, 'molesting' my keyboard again!
Work was not good either... After my working buddy left for re-service, I saw my sky darken. Bombarded by all sorts of silly crappy feedbacks... Phone calls were haunting me even the night. I wish I could tear off the calendar now and tune forward to Dec 2007.
Last week, my 'grandson' fall ill and left Jazs & Antz. He is the youngest among our guinea pigs. Right now, kinda regret din take much photos with him. Leaving us on the fateful day, lying on the cage motionlessly. So these are the rest surviving fellas.

Introducing: (From left to right)
Guinea Dad, Guinea Eldest son, Guinea 2nd Daughter, Guinea Mum
Four of our lovely ones fall in for meal-time.
Mmm.... Gotta show more concern to these 4 guinea piggys now. The death was probably due to our lack of concern and Jazs was really sad when the youngest died. It's a pity I could not make it in time to see him off. *Sobz.. By the way, 22nd Nov is those 2 young fellas 2nd year Birthday! Need to shop for some treats for them!
Recently Jazs have been thinking about how to re-decor her living hall. So using The Sims 2, we come out these 2 designs. Let me show you Jazs' design:

In my opinion, both were equally nice. Without doubt, they are better then the present layout!